HR Consulting

As the world changes in becoming more digital and as organisations expand, it places immense pressure on HR to change they way they think, redesign work and how they partner with business in new and meaningful ways to maximise employee potential and drive organisational success.

Beyond Transform supports clients through various types of HR transformation projects by providing a strategic, holistic and integrated approach to designing solutions with a focus on HR best practices, HR trends, HR service delivery excellence and compliance requirements to be met.

We offer an end to end HR service that provides insightful analyses to understand challenges and design “fit for purpose” solutions that aligns to organisational and HR needs whilst also supporting the deployment and review of those solutions or programs

Our work focuses on Organisation Design; Change Management; the Design and Deployment of HR strategy, policies, programs and processes; building skills capability required for the future world of work impacted by digitial transformation; HR Reengineering; Design and Optimisation of HR Shared Services Models; Talent Attraction; Job role analyses, design, profiling and grading; HR Audits; Process Streamlining and Standardisation; Evaluation and Deployment of HR Systems; Career assessments, coaching and mapping; Performance Management; HR Project Management and Corporate Coaching (awareness and modification of self-limiting beliefs, attitudes and behaviours for enhanced performance)

Youth Development & Empowerment

The youth unemployment rate sits at a shocking 52% in South Africa which reinforces poverty and crime. This challenges HR professionals to think innovatively in how they address this critical concern in restoring hope to our nation.
Beyond Transform believes that HR plays a critical role in working together with the right partners in coming up with solutions that shape thinking, behaviour and influence socio-economic development in South Africa particularly with regards to underpriveleged communities.
We work with governement, educational institutions, youth engines and organisations to address skills gaps and build critical skills capabilities required for a successful life through our career readiness programs which will  support the transition, integration and adaptation of students and graduates from secondary to tertiary institutions and from tertiary institutions to the world of work. This includes managing the shift from the student to the employee mindset, assessing candidate employability, enabling self-awareness, supporting personal branding, successful interviewing, career coaching and behaviour management.

Women’s Empowerment

With the growth of organisations, increased pressure and stress is placed on women. Beyond Transform believes that a woman’s role in the workplace is critical and paramount to it’s success as it contributes to an organisation’s culture and creates a more diverse and gender-balanced workforce. We also acknowledge that a woman’s role should be looked at more holistically given their multiple roles as wife, mother and career woman. As such, expectations that organisations place on women need to be reviewed in supporting the need for work-life integration and balance.

It is incumbent upon organisations to provide the relevant tools, guidance, encouragement and motivation needed for their female employees to perform optimally. It is also the responsibility of the organisation to support women in understanding their rights in the workplace, for example, with regards to sexual harassment
Beyond Transform works with organisations to tackle these critical challenges and offers customised solutions related to the integration of women’s mutiple roles, achieving work-life balance, support groups focused on transformation, personal coaching, connecting women in the workforce in an inspiring and meaningul way and building confidence and self-esteem in women